Geneva Coaching – Professional Coaching Services considers data protection and your privacy of the highest importance and provides full disclosure on how the data acquired during the process will be handled. The following statement was prepared to inform my clients on how I use their data and safeguard their privacy.

My principles:

  1. To ensure that data is obtained and processed correctly and legally.
  2. To keep and process personal information only for legitimate purposes outlined in this document.
  3. Not to disclose personal information without the permission of the individual except in limited circumstances as permitted or required by law.
  4. To maintain appropriate procedures to ensure that personal information in my possession is accurate and up to date.
  5. To maintain the technical and organizational safety measures to protect personal information against theft, loss, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
  6. Not to give personal information to third parties for commercial purposes.

What type of information is stored?

Information about the client consists of the following:

Contact details (work and or home), cell phone number, e-mail address, language, gender, birthday, VAT number, employment history, coaching history, bank account information.

What the Information is used for:

The information is used for coaching and administration purposes only: including contacting clients, invoicing and sending newsletters with the client’s consent.

Where is the information stored?

All client records are securely stored; manual records are kept in filing cabinets and digitally archived records are off-line, locked, encrypted, and password protected.

For how long is the information kept?

Information of current clients is archived for an indefinite period of time to enable a suitable follow up for later coaching sessions. 

Who has access to the data?

Only Dr. Tőkés has access to the stored data. 

The European Data Protection Act enables the client to have access to her/his own personal information. Upon the client’s written request, a copy of the personal file of the client can be sent within 30 days. 


For security reasons this website uses SSL-encryption to transfer data. When it is activated, it is not possible for third parties to read out data that you transfer to this website. 

Objection to advertisement

I reserve the rights to take legal measures against the authors/senders of spam-emails or other involuntary advertisement. 

Liability for content

I reserve the right to change or remove information at any time and without notice. I am not liable for material or immaterial damages arising from access to, use or non-use of the published information, by misuse of the connection or through technical faults.

Liability for links

I have not verified external website that may be linked to this website via hyperlinks and do not accept any responsibility for their content.


All contents on my website are protected by copyright. Any duplication, reproduction or other use of information on this website for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. 


Dr. Tünde Tőkés, 1245 Collonge-Bellerive, Geneva, Switzerland 




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